Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spring nail polishes that I love!

Its the second day of May which means summer is fast approaching! I love spring weather because you get the feel of summer without it being extremely hot. The only problem is that some days it is colder than other so you can not wear shorts,tank tops,or sandals.However, one thing that you can keep spring like is nail polish! I love bright finger nail polishes! It is just a great pick me up to look down and see bright colors. I have been obsessing over three finger nails at the moment.Two are a lime green color and one is a coral. I will post a picture below so you will be able to see them.

( From left to right: Loopy lime,Sweet melon,LicketySplit Lime)

Loopy Lime:I have to say that even though I love this color, I had to put on a lot of coats so that it would be bright. The price is pretty cheap it is by Salon Perfect for around $4.00.

Sweet Melon:This is such a beautiful Coral color. I only needed two coats and it did not chip off easily either which is a plus! I have to say I where this color the most because it is easy to apply and the color is gorgeous on!

Lickety-Split Lime: This is a lime green that is very pretty when it is on.  I have to say that in the bottle it does not look that pretty,but when it is on it looks really pretty! This comes from Sally Hanson Insta Dri for $4

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